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As recently reported, Johnson & Johnson was ordered to pay $72M of damages to the family of a woman whose death from ovarian cancer was linked to her use of the company’s talc-based Baby Powder and Shower to Shower for several decades. But this isn’t the only instance of a personal cosmetics company being called out for harmful ingredients. In fact, with so many carcinogenic ingredients found in beauty products (foundation contain 90% talc), it’s dawning on women how imperative it is to pay attention to what we buy. After all, the skin is the largest organ of the body and whatever you put on it goes right into your blood instantly.

Nearly 70% of personal-care products contain at least one chemical linked to cancer, and yet the FDA has not regulated beauty ingredients since 1938. This, however, is evolving as consumers change their lifestyle and consumption habits. A 2004 study found parabens in 18 out of 20 samples of human breast tissue. Parabens are in almost 100% of drugstore skincare products and cosmetics. Finally, only about 10% of the 10,000 chemicals commonly found in personal care products have safety data.

Now we can begin to understand why you must throw away your non-organic products. First and foremost, the toxic ingredients they contain can (and do) cause cancer. As the creams, lotions, serums, etc are absorbed through the skin, they are then traveling to your bloodstream and inside the body 24/7. Studies have shown that the toxic ingredients have been found in biopsy samples from breast tumours, ovarian cancer and more!

In fact, there are plenty of reasons to use organic skincare, but here are 5 that we think are the most important.

1. Cosmetics Are Badly Regulated

Although the EU has stricter regulations and has banned many of the most harmful ingredients, cosmetic companies in the United States and Canada are allowed to use almost any new chemicals without government approval, with the exception of colour additives and any ingredient classified as a drug. Congress is starting to respond to consumer concerns and, for the first time since 1938, the FDA may be implementing restrictions on ingredients placed in beauty products. Not that that’s much help: after all, the FDA has approved aspartame, saccharin, human growth hormone in food products and many other artificial colourings, flavourings and chemicals which have proven to harm human health. For now it is up to you as a consumer to pay attention to the ingredients and do your research – especially if you have any favourite brands you’re ordering from the USA or Canada!

2. Most Mainstream Cosmetics DO Contain Harmful Chemicals

Let’s first start by identifying the toxic chemicals to look for in your products. The main toxic chemicals found in lipsticks, nail polishes, skin creams and more are as follows:


Found in: lipsticks, toothpaste, makeup, etc. Can cause neurotoxicity (brain damage), seizures, gastrointestinal issues, reproductive dysfunction and kidney dysfunction.


Found in: some shampoos including baby ‘no tear’ shampoos and haircare products, liquid soaps, nail polish and more.

This chemical may be inhaled or absorbed through the skin. Prolonged formaldehyde exposure can be a contributing factor in cancer development.


Found in: skincare products, makeup, shampoos, conditioners, and more.

The most popular term used in products, this is used as a preservative and are noted as propylparaben, methylparaben, ethylparaben and butylparaben. They are found in almost any beauty product that has water (a.k.a. ‘aqua’) added to it. Parabens have been shown to not only disrupt hormones, but also to potentially cause cancer and most have been phased out in the EU.


Found in: nail polish, air fresheners, perfumes, body sprays, detergents, soaps, and more.

According to, phthalates were found in at least 72 products they tested, although it was not listed on their list of ingredients. The only exception was nail polish. This toxic chemical is a fragrance used in vinyl shower curtains (it gives vinyl its distinctive smell), air fresheners, detergents and more. Like parabens, phthalates have been shown to disrupt hormones and decrease sperm count.


Found in: almost everything.

Some people argue that certain ingredients in cosmetics, in small doses, are not harmful. This may be true, but what they overlook is the fact that women tend to layer cosmetics on: first a cream, then a base, then a foundation, then a blusher…. When certain chemical ingredients are mixed together, nitrosamines can form. These are not often listed as an ingredient on cosmetic products because they are not actual ingredients. But this toxin is so prolific, it is found in almost every skin care product. It’s in baby shampoos, sunless tanning lotions, mascara, concealer — the list goes on and on. Many studies link nitrosamine to cancer and in 1996, the FDA suggested cosmetic manufacturers remove any ingredients that create nitrosamine when combined. This suggestion has been pretty much ignored, and the Environmental Working Group found that 8 in 10 cosmetics still contain combinations of ingredients that create nitrosamines.


Found in: almost everything.

In nearly all scented makeup products and perfumes, you’ll see that fragrance shows up almost all ingredient labels. But, what exactly is a “fragrance” (also known as “parfum”)? Classified as a trade secret, companies aren’t required to list the ingredients that make up “fragrance” in their products. Unless essential oils or phyto-scents are used to fragrant the product, the ‘fragrance’ is most likely to be harmful chemical components.

3. Mainstream Cosmetics Lack Nutrients

Most commercial cosmetics contain very little in the way of nutritional ingredients that can truly benefit your beauty. Instead of helping boost the health of your hair, skin or nails they use chemicals to temporarily mask any issues you may have. Organic products, on the other hand, are often rich in vitamins and antioxidants that not only nourish and repair your skin but also flow through your blood offering that "Beauty comes from inside" we all heard.

4. You Could Be Harming Your Baby

What most people don’t realize is that non-organic products not only affect you, but also your children, especially when in the womb. Organic beauty products help protect our children so that they are healthy, strong, and don’t have any birth defects. According to The Lancet Neurology study, toxins in cosmetics can affect brain development and lead to neurobehavioral problems like autism, ADHD, and dyslexia. Disorders of neurobehavioral development affect 10–15% of all births and are steadily increasing. Of course, it’s impossible to know which percentage of these are related to toxic chemicals in personal care products, but why take any risk?

5. Value for Money

There’s a misconception that organic skincare and makeup is more expensive than mainstream brands, but that’s far from true. Have you checked the price of (highly chemical) Estee Lauder products lately? Lancome? Chanel? Sure, organic products may not be as dirt cheap as mass produced chemical supermarket brands, but think of it like this: junk food is way, way cheaper than organic food, but wouldn’t you rather spend $1 on a few organic bananas instead of a huge bag of free-radical laden, salty, MSG riddled crips? Better for you, and the same price!

So, why use organic skincare? It should be pretty obvious by now. Organic products are healthier, cheap, and only include ingredients that will nourish your skin and body. It’s important to only put high-quality organic creams on your delicate skin. After all, is your largest organ and you only deserve the best!


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